What is a labyrinth?

A labyrinth is a path of prayer, a watering hole for the spirit. Walking the labyrinth is an opportunity to slow down and reflect – to quieten the mind and open the heart.

How do you walk a labyrinth?

There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Some walk it slow and some walk it fast, but generally speaking, it’s best to find your own natural pace.

To deepen your experience you could:

  1. Focus on your favourite prayer or mantra, or…
  2. Bring your awareness to your feet, contacting the ground fully with each step, ‘planting peace with each footfall’ as Thich Nhat Hanh says. Notice your weight shifting from the foot you’re lifting to the one that’s landing. Listen to the sound of the birds and the town. Notice your breath and how it changes as you move. This is mindful walking, or…
  3. Follow the mystic path and see your walk in three phases: 1) Let go on the way in – of distractions and that which no longer serves you. 2) Allow a sense of peace and calm to settle within as you pause in the centre. Notice the contrast of the stillness after all that rhythmic movement on the way in.  Imagine yourself to be a tuning fork connecting deep into the earth and up into the sky. 3) Walk your way back out of the labyrinth, gathering any insights along the way and taking them back into your world.

There are two important things to remember:

1) It’s a two way street so you may well meet someone coming the opposite direction on the path.  Just weave around them and gently return to ‘your’ path.

2) If the person in front of you is walking too slowly, you can overtake them.  This is easier to do at the turns – you just make the turn at the same time that they do and you’ll end up in front of them. There’s no correct speed – when everyone walks at their own natural pace and moves around each other, a beautiful sense of flow is created.

To prepare, you may want to sit quietly and reflect before walking the labyrinth. Some people come with questions, others just to slow down and take time out from a busy life. Some come to find strength to take the next step. Many come during times of grief and loss. Its winding path becomes a metaphor for our journey and where we find ourselves on our path.

Is it the same as a maze?

Yes and no. A maze is a very complex version of a labyrinth, but it has walls or hedges, several different pathways and lots of dead ends. A labyrinth is usually flat on the ground, has only one path and no dead ends, so you can’t get lost. If a maze is an intellectual exercise, a labyrinth is a spiritual one. A maze is designed for you to get lost in, whereas a labyrinth is designed for you to find yourself

Is it a Christian thing?

Yes and no. It has been used in Christian Cathedrals in Europe since the 13thcentury, but there are simpler versions of the labyrinth which are more than 4000 years old,so it predates all of our religions. Ancient examples have been found in Europe, India, China and North and South America.

So is it a Pagan thing?

It is broader than any one religion. It is a universal and non-denominational symbol – an inclusive sacred space which welcomes people of all faiths. It can reflect whatever beliefs you walk with – serving all people equally.

If it’s so old, why haven’t I heard of it before?

Use of the labyrinth in Europe fell out of favour around the end of the 17thCentury, coinciding with the cultural shift in emphasis to rational, linear thinking. The labyrinth with its slow meandering path has lain dormant for the last 300 years.

So what’s changed?

In the last 20 years there has been a revival of interest in the labyrinth and a return to this lovely ‘slow cooking’ form of contemplation. In response to the frenetic pace of modern life, people are looking for ways to centre and calm themselves. Walking the labyrinth helps quiet the mind and open the heart.

How is the labyrinth being used today?

In the last decade in the United States, more than 200 labyrinths have been built in hospitals alone. They are also being built in universities, parks, schools and thousands of people are building them in their gardens and backyards.  There are many different therapeutic applications for the labyrinth apart from the general well-being of the community. Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington DC installed a labyrinth to help veterans dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Westmead Children’s Hospital recently installed a Chartres style labyrinth next to Ronald Mcdonald House.  It is also a powerful tool for dealing with grief – a way to walk your sorrow and begin to integrate it. There are schools using the labyrinth to help children deal with Attention Deficit Disorder. The labyrinth helps them centre and calm themselves and concentrate for longer periods of time. People also use the labyrinth as a ceremonial space to hold weddings and other threshold celebrations.

Where can I find a labyrinth to walk?

There are more and more labyrinths being created in Australia and over 7000 around the world.  

To find one near you, here’s a link to the Australian Labyrinth Network’s locator https://aln.org.au/find-a-labyrinth

and a global labyrinth locator http://labyrinthlocator.com/  

They list both public and private labyrinths.

Why not just go bushwalking?

Bushwalking is a wonderful way to quiet the mind and open the heart.  The difference is that walking the labyrinth is a specific contemplative practice distilled over thousands of years.  The labyrinth is a powerful metaphor for our journey through life.

Why did this one cost so much?

Centennial Park is the home of Australian Federation on lands bequeathed by Governor Macquarie, so this labyrinth needed to be something really special. It is the first major public labyrinth in Australia. Aesthetically, it is a significant work of public art – a replica of the most famous labyrinth in the world, which was built in the Chartres Cathedral in early 13th century. This iconic Sydney park demanded a work of international standard – and this landmark labyrinth is on par with the superb limestone labyrinth in the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.  We made a strong commitment to the integrity of the original Chartres design according to the principles of sacred geometry with which it was originally created. It was constructed using the highest quality, heritage grade Wondabyne sandstone and Victorian Bluestone, ensuring quality, density and durability.  For more information click here

Why is the path the width that it is?

The Chartres labyrinth was created using the principles of sacred geometry, wherein every measurement and ratio is in proportion to each other. This generates the sense of harmony we feel when we look at and experience walking it. The path is approximately 13 inches wide (34cm) and 860 feet long (262metres). The width of the path determines the intensity of the experience. If you made it wider it may seem easy to navigate the turns, but it would detract from the transformational possibilities offered by the original, more concentrated design. For more information, go to http://www.labyrinthos.net/chartresfaq.html

Which direction does the Centennial Park Labyrinth face?

Labyrinths are placed within their context, not according to compass directions. The Chartres Cathedral and its labyrinth are oriented NE/SW.  Those labyrinths built inside churches align with the orientation of the building and very few churches are actually aligned East /West. The labyrinth as a geometric system and as an energetic field is whole and complete unto itself and does not need to be aligned in any particular direction. The beauty of the space and its inherent intelligence is what will hold and inspire walkers. This is a new paradigm of an ancient spiritual symbol being offered in a modern context. While tending to the sacred geometry of the actual design, this labyrinth is truly being built in harmony with its environment.

Ceremonial spaces often face the East, but it is important not to allow abstract rules to override the wisdom of the landscape itself and what feels most natural and supportive in the space.  Walking towards the water in this particular field, feels right to most people who experience it.  We had a dowser visit the space to determine the best place for the centre of the labyrinth. In listening to the land in this way, we believe we are honouring the true intention of the labyrinth, which is an exercise in witnessing Self and Other. The whole point is to disorient the rational mind a little, in order to disperse rigidity and become more receptive to the unknown – to welcome the mystery. The labyrinth invites you to orient yourself with yourself, not with anything or anyone external to self. That is its great gift.

Children in the Labyrinth

Children in the Labyrinth: Being in the middle of a public park, the Centennial Park labyrinth is open to everyone, including children. Their joyful exuberance can sometimes disturb those wishing to pray in silence. If you find yourself in this situation, gently explain to the child and/or to their parents, that you’ve come to the labyrinth to pray and that if they’d like to join you they could make a wish for someone they love when they get to the centre. This often gives them enough focus to quieten down.

Remember that the labyrinth is a mirror reflecting where we are in our lives. You might want to consider what it is exactly that bothers you about their presence on ‘your’ path. Does that occur anywhere else in your life? Do you hold expectations about the ‘right’ way to walk a labyrinth? Does spiritual practice always have be serious or can it be joyful? Children are less disconnected from spirit than us. They don’t need to slow down as we do to reconnect with Spirit – they can skim the surface of the labyrinth and receive the benefit. Surely joy is the fast track to Spirit – perhaps they have something to teach us…

Labyrinth Organisations

The Australian Labyrinth Network hold annual gatherings and facilitator training. For more information go to ALN

The Labyrinth Society

Or check out what Wikipedia says about Labyrinths

19 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. I am absolutely stoked to find a labyrinth in Sydney!
    I was first shown a beautiful labyrinth at Templestowe in Melbourne in 2009 and discovered how powerful the experience can be; something I miss since I returned to Sydney this year. I find clarity & peace through this practice and I also sometimes seek answers to specific questions.
    Congratulations on this project and I look forward to walking it very soon.

  2. Hi Emily, Congrats on getting the funding for the project! Would you be able to tell me when the expected estimated time for completion will be? Cheers, Julie

  3. I think this is a brilliant idea – an accessible labyrinth in the heart of the city. I’ve walked a number of them over the past few years and have experienced the effect they have. The difference in my own energy from beginning the path to coming out always makes me smile. If everyone just gave it a try our city would change.
    I’ve only just heard about this one. Is it too late to somehow be involved?

    • Thanks Greg! Your enthusiasm means you’re already involved. Fundraising is complete and we’re hoping it will be built by Christmas. There is a labyrinth painted on the grass in the field where the sandstone one will be constructed, which should be there for another few weeks if you’re interested. You’ll find directions on the website. Thanks again for your support and encouragement – really appreciated! Emily

      • Shelley,I just watched an epsdioe of “Explore” on “National Geographic Explorer”. I thought of you and your new site because the “o” in Explore is a hand-drawn labyrinth. And its tagline: “to champion selfless acts”.The subject could have been anything, really, but it was about a theater group in a Palestinian “refugee camp” in Israel whose mission was to use art to heal violence with the added idea that “No child is born a terrorist” (or, for that matter, a fisherman or a riverboat gambler).What path could have more twists and turns than the ancient and very particular story above with the universal hopes for love and inspiration that every parent has for their children (as fishermen or riverboat gamblers—or anything else).I’ll be back to your site many times to see what you and others have to say about the image and idea of the Labyrinth in our lives.Good work,Alan

  4. I loved the Compass program and the idea of labyrinths for meditation. Is the Sydney labyrinth tactile, for people with vision impairment?

    • Hi Jackie
      There is not a great deal of tactile difference between the two types of stone used in the labyrinth, but the contrast between the pale stone of the labyrinth’s path and the very dark stone of its pattern is quite pronounced. I hope it makes it possible for you to follow. Please let me know how you go. There are also desk top labyrinths available. You run your finger along the path and it has a calming effect similar to walking the labyrinth. You literally ‘walk’ the labyrinth with your fingers. Here are some websites from which you can purchase finger labyrinths:



      Best wishes

    • It all depends on how fast you walk! Some walk the labyrinth very slowly, planting peace with each footfall. Children often run it at high speed. My suggestion is to simply find your natural pace which for most people means that it takes between 5-10 minutes to get into the centre and then the same back out again. Its up to you really. There’s no wrong way to walk the labyrinth. Enjoy!

  5. Hi Emily,
    I’ll be in Sydney the weekend of the winter solstice and would like to do the planned walk. I’m wondering if there a need to book? Thanks Felicity

  6. Hi Emily,
    How do I find out about Labyrinth activities/events coming up?
    I have connected with the Blue Labyrinth in Woodford, and want to connect with the wider labyrinth community. I’ve joined the society newsletter, but not sure if this will give me specific info. about Centennial Park.

    • Hi Melinda. We hold group wlaks in Centennial Park on the first Sunday of every month. Sign up to our newsletter on the home page of this website. See you on the path! Best wishes

  7. Hi,

    I am interested in participating in one of the monthly walks. How long should I leave? Assume there is a chat pre/ post people walkin in individually so about an hour?



  8. Hi-I’m keen to know if the group walks at the labyrinth still happen on the first Sunday of the month as I’d like to attend.

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